
About Me

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou


What type of "Designer" am I?

I've been working in the field since the late 90s when the role was more, "Web Designer". I consider myself to be more of a Product Designer these days because that's encompasses my daily routine and what I enjoy the most. My primary focus has been on usability and accessibility. I've worked for Government entities for the last 10 years so I get a lot of exposure to their wants and needs.


What Do I Do in the Field of Design?

I've worked on many projects but the highlights include a multi-year, agile scrum, state security licensing system encompassing mobile and web application solutions. I've also worked as the primary designer working on a SaaS-like product supporting statewide consolidation of licensing and permitting applications with renewals, across subscribing agencies.

I work closely with the development teams providing wireframes, high fidelity mockups and many of the HTML/CSS assets to be consumed directly.


What Are My Relevant design-related Skills?

Specifically my role encompasses:

I'm usually involved in marketing efforts like web pages and branding/print work.



I have a degree in IT Systems. I've completed the Lean UX Bootcamp with Jeff Gothelf and I have a UX Designer certification from The Team W. I've also completed the UX Designer, Figma, Wordpress and Javascript certifications from Udemy.

When I'm not in front of a computer, I'm thinking about being in front of a computer. I enjoy the NFL and Premiership/MLS Soccer too. Any other spare time is playing guitar or video games.